Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Morning Messages: 3rd Week, Distance Education April 27 - May 1st




In Classroom 16, we have attempted to build a sense of belonging to a special community that we all feel special to a part of. Through Distance Education, we still are attempting to keep this sense of being together during this time of home isolation.


Joshua responded: Dear Mr. Stathis Some people are doing the best at some things like khan academy, imagine learning, reading, and other stuff. I'm proud of who made in the honor roll and those who do great in the distance learning. Sincerely, Joshua


Adrian responded: Hi Mr.Stathis, it's Adrian. I think that today's morning message is about sharing. I think that because it talks about how we don't just have to have fun in our own learning but in the learning of everyone else.


Robert responded: Dear Mr. Stathis, Your messages help me to work harder on Khan Academy, Imagine Learning, and Science,I feel that everyday is a great day even if we are separated from each other each day.


Alison responded: Hi Mr.Stathis! It is nice to talk with you again. Anyway, the message was great. I like how all of your messages are special but each and every one of them is special in their own way. Like for example each one is teaching us and inspiring us but in many ways. So have a great day!


Hudson responded: I think that the morning message has some supportive text in it and some informational text in it. I think it's telling me that you are helping us learn, but we need to try too.